George Thomson Elliot, M.D.


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Obstetric Clinic. A Practical Contribution to the Study of Obstetrics, and the Diseases of Women and Children.

CDV courtesy of Armand DeGregoris

GEORGE T. ELLIOT, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics the Diseases of Women and Children in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College ; Physician to Bellevue Hospital, and to the New York Lying-in Asylum; Consulting Physician to the Nursery and Child's Hospital; Consulting Surgeon to the State Woman's Hospital: Corresponding Member of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society and of the Royal Academy of Havana; Fellow of the K. Y. Academy of Medicine; Member of the County Medical Society, of the Pathological Society, etc., etc.

Obstetrician.—A. B., A. M., Columbia Coll. 1845, M. D., N. Y. U., '49-—Res. Phys.N. Y. I,ying-in Asy., 1852 to 1854. Visit, and Cons. Phys. to same. Visit, and Cons. Phys. to Nursery and Child's Hosp. N. Y. Attg. Phys. Demilt ^and Northern Disp., N. Y. Cons. Surg. N. Y. S. Woman's Hosp.—Prof. Anat. Vermont Med. Coll. 1855. Prof. Obt. and Dis. Women and Children. Bell Hosp. Med. Coll. N. Y., 1861.—Visit. Phys. Bell. Hosp., 1854.—President New York County Med. Soc. 1868.—Died in New York City, Jan. 28, 1871, of apoplexy, at. 43.






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