Medical Colleges and Schools in
existence during and Pre-Civil War
The following is a list of
early medical schools and colleges and lecturers who taught at those
institutions when they were in existence
during or prior to the Civil War. The dates when these medical
schools were in existence can be used to determine when and if a given
surgeon was active during the Civil War. Since medical colleges merged or
went in and out of existence, all colleges or departments of medicine
may not be listed or the names may have changed. Via the links below, you can find lists of
physician and scientist lecturers who taught at these schools as well as
the lecture tickets or cards they sold to support their teaching.
Edited from: "Medical Education Before the Civil
War", by Wm. F. Norwood
Albany Medical College,
established 1839
Atlanta Medical College, established 1855
Auburn Medical School, established 1825-39
Bellevue Hospital Medical College, established 1861 and later
merged with N.Y.U. Medical College
Berkshire Medical Institute of Massachusetts, established
Brown University Medical School, established 1811
Castleton Medical College, established 1818-61
Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, established 1850
Cleveland Medical College - Western Reserve College, established
College of Medicine of Maryland, established 1807
College of Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania School
of Medicine, established 1765
College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Iowa University,
established 1850
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Western District of New York
State established 1812-38
College of Physicians of the Valley at Winchester, established
Columbian College, Medical Department (National Medical
College), established 1825
Dartmouth College, Department of Medicine, established 1797
Geneva Medical College, established 1834-46
Georgetown College School of Medicine, established 1851
Humboldt Medical College, established 1859
Indiana Central Medical College, established 1849-52
Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, established 1825
Kentucky School of Medicine, established 18491908
King’s and Columbia Schools of Medicine, established 1767
LaPorte University Medical Department, established 1843-51
Long Island College Hospital, established 185862
Louisville Medical Institute, established 1833
Medical College of Alabama, established 1859-61
Medical College of Evansville, established 1849-54
Medical College of Georgia, established 1829
Medical College of Louisiana, established 1834
Medical College of Ohio, established 1821
Medical College of South Carolina, established 1823
Medical College of Virginia, established 1854
Medical Department of Cincinnati College, established 1835
Medical Department of Hampden-Sidney College, established
Medical Department of Illinois College, established 1843-48
Medical Department of Lind University, established 1859
Medical Department of Pennsylvania College, established 1840-61
Medical Department of Randolph-Macon College, established
Medical Department of St. Louis University, established 1842
Medical Department of the Missouri Institute of Science,
established 1856
Medical Department of the University of Nashville, established
Medical Department of Transylvania University, established
Medical Department of University of Louisiana, established 1845
Medical Department University of Virginia, established 1825
Medical Institute of Yale College, established 1802
Medical Lectures at William and Mary, established 1848-49
Medical School of Harvard, established 1782
Medical School of Maine, Bowdin College, established 1820-1834
Memphis Medical School, established 1846-61
Miami Medical College established 1853-57
Miami University Medical Department, established 1831-61
Missouri Medical College, established 1847
New Orleans School of Medicine, established 1856-61
New York University Medical College, established 1837
New York Medical College, established 1847
Oglethorpe Medical College, established 1856-61
Pennsylvania Medical University of Philadelphia, established
Penn Medical University of Philadelphia, established 1853
Philadelphia College of Medicine, established 1838-59
Rock Island Medical College, established 1848
Rush Medical College, established 1843
Rutgers College (Queens College), established 1812-16
Savannah Medical College, established 1852
Shelby Medical College, then became Medical Department of
Vanderbilt University
St. Louis College of Medical and Natural Sciences, established
St. Louis Medical College, established 1855, then became
Washington University 1899
Starling Medical College, established 1848-73
University of Buffalo Department of Medicine, established 1846
University of Louisville Medical Department, established 1845
University of Michigan Medical School, established 1849
University of Pacific Medical Department, established 1859
University of Pennsylvania, Medical Department
University of Vermont Medical Department, established 1820
Vermont Medical College, established 1827-56
Washington Medical College of Baltimore, established 1826-39
Willoughby Medical College, established 183445, 46
Winchester Medical College of Virginia, established 1847-62
Fraudulent Medical Colleges in the 1800's
Medical College
lecture cards are wanted-to-buy for this collection. Please
contact .
It's all inter-related on this
site: medical schools sold lecture cards, lecturers who were authors wrote
books used at the medical schools, the surgeons who attended the medical
colleges fought in the Civil War, surgeons joined the Army, the Army bought
surgical sets for the surgeon's use, and round and round it goes.

The following are topics which were
typically taught and lecture tickets which were sold for the topics during the 1800's,
the photos to the left
are a group of very famous medical doctors and professors who taught at
Jefferson Medical College just prior to the
Civil War.
An excellent reference by Wm. Norwood: Medical
Education in the United States before the Civil War. A
source for information on medical education prior to the Civil War
and the foundations of medical education in the 1700 and 1800's when
the country was forming it's medical colleges. Norwood's book
is also helpful in finding out who taught at the various medical
colleges and what subjects for researching lecture tickets.
Lectures and theory
Medica materia or
Materia medica
Anatomy and physiology
Surgical anatomy
Surgical pathology
Clinical surgery
Military surgery
Pathology and practical medicine
Medicine and surgery
Principals practice and
operations of surgery
Department of medicine
Nervous diseases
Venereal diseases
Orthopedic surgery
Comparative anatomy
Operative surgery
Lecture Card Collection:
1 | 2 | 3
| 4
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
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19 |
Lecture Ticket and Medical College Index