University of the State of New York

College of Physicians & Surgeons

Western District


Additional information: The College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Western District of New York


Medical Student Lee Curtis:  1829, 1830, 1831


Page 6

Medical Student: Lee Curtis*


Lectures on Surgery by John DeLameter, M.D.


Signature of John DeLamater, M.D.

signed on all cards


Practice of Physic and Medical Jurisprudence by T. Romeyn Beck, M.D.


T. Romeyn Beck, M.D.

signed on all cards



Practical Anatomy by James McNaughton, M.D.


Anatomy & Physiology by James McNaughton, M.D.


Initials of James McNaughton, M.D.

 signed on all cards



Lectures on Midwifery by James Hadley, M. D


Signature of James Hadley, M.D.

signed on all cards


Lectures on Midwifery by Westel Willoughby, M.D.


Westel Willoughby, M.D. served as member of the medical staff of the militia and served in the War of 1812.



Signature of Westel Willoughby, M.D.  (Gratis)

signed on all cards

(The fact Dr. Willoughby gave the course to Mr. Curtis gratis and Curtis was there for three years may indicate his education was interrupted for some reason and he repeated the last year. )

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