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Harvard University Medical Department, 1841


Medical Student: Francis Minot

7 Charles St. A. M., Harvard roll.; M. D., Medical Dep't Harvard Univ.: vice-pres. med. soc. of Suffolk District; member Med. Soc. of Mass.; physician to Mass, General Hosp.; consultant physician to Boston Lying-in Hosp.; Assisstant  Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine, etc., Harvard University


See additional information on Francis Minot, who came back to Harvard as a staff member while practicing medicine in Boston.  The notes at the bottom of the ticket were made by, Dr. George R. Minot, who won a Nobel prize in 1934 for the treatment of pernicious anemia.


Anatomy & Physiology: Oliver Wendell Holmes, M.D.

Harvard University Medical Department, 1867

Medical Student: H. T. Boutwell


Name: Henry Thatcher Boutwell
Death date: Dec 21, 1915
Place of death: Santa Barbara, CA
Birth date: 1844
Place of birth: Hancock, NH
Type of practice: Allopath
States and years of licenses: NH, 1897
Places and dates of practices: Manchester, NH, Dec 14, 1911, Santa Barbara, CA, Mar 4, 1915, Jun 30, 1915
Medical school(s): Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1870, (G)
Other education: Phillips Exeter Academy


1868  Faculty of Instruction is composed of

John B. S. Jackson, M.D.,   Morbid Anatomy
Oliver W. Holmes, M.I).,  Anatomy and Physiology.
George С. Shattack, M.D.,  Theory and Practice of Physic.
Jeffries Wyman, M.D.,  Comparative Anatomy and Physiology.
Henry J. Bigelow, M.D.,  Surgery and Clinical Surgery.
John Bacon, M.D.,  Chemistry.
Charles E. Buckingham, M.D., Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence.
Edward H. Clarke, M.D.,  Materia Medica.
Calvin Ellis, M.D.,  Clinical Medicine.
Richard M. Hodges, M.D.,  Surgery and Clinical Surgery.
James C. White, M.D.,  Chemistry, and Diseases of the Skin.
David W. Cheever, M.D.,  Clinical Surgery.
Josiah Stickney Lombard, M.D.,  Physiology.
John E. Tyler, M.D.,  Psychological Medicine.
Francis Minot, M.D., Theory and Practice.
Fitch E. Oliver, M.D., Materia Medica.
Geo. Derby, M. D.,  Hygiene.
Henry W. Williams, M.D.,  Ophthalmology.
J. Nelson' Borland, M.D.,  Clinical Medicine.
John P. Reynolds, M.D.,  Clinical Medicine.
Algernon Coolage, M.D., Tumors.
Henry K. Oliver, M.D., Laryngoscopy and Diseases of the Larynx.
Hasket Derby, M.D., University Lecturer on Ophthalmology.
Charles W. Swan, M.D.,Theory and Practice.
Charles B. Porter, M-.D., Demonstrator.


       Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., M.D.        Mattriculation          


John B. S. Jackson, M.D. *       Edward H. Clarke, M.D.


George C. Shattuck, M.D.      John Bacon, M.D.  


Henry J. Bigelow, M.D.        Calvin Ellis, M.D.




Medical Institution of Yale College, 1877-78

Medical Student: Austavus G. Eliot


Source: AMA database of deceased physicians:

Name: Augustus Greely Eliot
Death date: May 10, 1911
Place of death: New York, NY
Type of practice: Allopath



Yale Medical Department FACULTY 1878

William H. Carmalt, M.D., Lecturer on Ophthalmology and Otology
S. Henry Bronson, M.D., Lecturer on Physiology
William H. Hotchkiss, M.D., Demonstrator in Anatomy
Thomas H. Russell, M.D., Prosector of Surgery
Henry P. Stearns, M.D.,  Lecturer on Insanity

The First Term in the Medical Department began Oct. 3, 1878.


Obstetrics by Stephen G Hubbard, M. D.*

Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, 1876 - 77

Dental Student: T. M. Poffenburger

Faculty 1876

George Barker, DDS

C. H. Meloney, DDS

C. B. Abell, Jr., M.D., DDS

J. Ewing Means, M.D.

J. Tyson, M.D.

George Barker, D.D.S.


C. H. Meloney, D.D.S     C. B. Abell, M.D., D.D.S.


J. Ewing Means, M.D.        J. Tyson, M.D.



Philadelphia Dental College & Hospital of Oral Surgery 1883-84

  Dental student:  A. J. Parker.

The charter of the Philadelphia Dental College was obtained and organized in the fall of 1863 .


S. H. Guilford: Operative dentistry

J. Foster Flagg: Pathology & therapeutics

Henry I. Dorr: Clinical dentistry

S. B. Howell:  Chemistry & materia medica

Thomas C. Stellwagen: Physiology

James E. Garrelson: Anatomy & Surgery


S. H. Guilford AM DDS,  Professor of Operative and Prosthetic Dentistry

J. Foster Flagg DDS,  Professor of Dental Pathology and Therapeutics

Henry I Dorr MD DDS,  Professor of Clinical Dentistry

S. B. Howell MD,  Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medica

Thomas C. Stellwagon MD, DDS,  Professor of Physiology

James E. Garretson MD, DDS,  Professor of Anatomy and Surgery

M. H. Cryer MD, DDS,  Anatomist Demonstrator of Oral Operations

S.  Eldred Gilbert DDS,  Demonstrator of Clinical Dentistry

Clarence Archer DDS,  Demonstrator of Clinical Dentistry

John B. Roberts MD,  Demonstrator of Anatomy

S. Parker Cottrell MD, DDS,  Assistant Surgeon and Physician to the Oral Clinic and Dispensary Service

Claude Browning MD,  Second Assistant Physician to Dispensary Service

L. Greenbaum DDS,  Demonstrator of Chemistry and Materia Medica

Dr. James E Garretson,  Dean of the Faculty


New York College of Dentistry  1892-93

Dental Student: W. B. Dunning


E. Austin Oakland?     Frank LeRoy Satterlee, M.D.      Faneuil Dunkin Weisse, M.D.

Philadelphia  Hospital, 18??

Dr's: Richardson, Marshall, Keating, Parish, Neff, Musser, Curtin, Osler, Wood, Steinbach, Ransley, Porter, White, Montgomery, Parvin, Janney


Long Island College Hospital, 1872 - 1900

Medical Student: Albert T. Leffingwell of New York biography


Wright, M.D.



N.  Bates, M.D.                   S. Armor, M.D.             C. L. Ford, M.D.



Dr. J. H.  Raymond


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