Civil War and Other 1800's Medical College Lecture Tickets & Cards

Medical Ephemera, Graduation Catalogues, Diplomas, Education Documents, Admission Cards

Page One 'B'


Various Pre- Civil War Medical Colleges in the 1800's

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In colonial American, and up until the 1830's most surgeons were trained in London or Edinburgh, Scotland.  Among the most famous surgeons who taught at that time was Robert Liston, M.D.  The lecture card shown below is signed by Dr. Liston and has a wax seal in the upper left with impression of a stamp to show the student paid for the lecture session, as of 1827.  They don't get much better or more rare.


Additional information on Dr. Robert Liston,


Robert Liston, M.D., Surgeon

Edinburgh, Scotland, 1827





 Wax seal and Liston's signature


University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1820 -1821

Prior to the 1830's Scotland was a famous location for training American surgeons.  There were not that many good medical programs in the colonies and men who wanted to train as physicians tended to go to France and the British Isles for their medical education.  These lecture cards are an early example of the practice of selling admission cards to the lectures of the various physicians who taught in the medical colleges of the time.

Medical Student: William McGuire

(Apparently he did not graduate from University of Glasgow)



Thomas Thomsen, M.D.


James Armour, M.D.    Thomas Thomsen, M.D.

James Armour, M.D. was a member of the faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. 

The College was founded on the 29th November 1599 with the grant of a charter from James VI to Peter Lowe, Surgeon, Robert Hamilton, Physician and William Spang, Apothecary. The charter empowered them, their heirs and successors to establish a body to examine all professing the art of surgery in Glasgow and South West Scotland. 

John Burns, M.D.


Robert Freer, M.D.     James Armour, M.D.

Robert Freer (c 1747-1827) was Regius Professor of the Practice of Medicine at the University, from 1796 until his death in 1827.  Freer was a graduate of the University of Edinburgh (MA, 1765) and studied Medicine in Holland before going to America during the Revolutionary War as a surgeon. He was awarded an MD by King's College, Aberdeen in 1779 and was in private practice in Edinburgh before his appointment to the Chair at Glasgow.

Dartmouth College, 1820,  1821

Medical Student David French, (Sr.)* the father

Medical Student David French, (Jr.)* the son


Usher Parsons, M. D. *          R. D. Mussey, M. D.*


R. D. Mussey, M. D.*


New Hampshire Medical Institution, Dartmouth College, 1861

Medical Student David French, (Jr.) *


E. R. Peaslee, M. D.*       Matriculation



New York Hospital

Medical Student: Galusha B. Balch


During the Civil War, Galusha B. Balch, of Yonkers, N. Y.,  was an assistant surgeon in the New York, 2 nd Veteran Cavalry, (Empire Light Cavalry), mustered out Nov. 9, 1865.  Balch served in the 2nd from January 1864;  Balch later served as a full surgeon from August 1862 in the 98th Infantry.  Reported a case of a bullet in the human heart, 1861.


See additional Civil War information on G. B. Balch


Name: Galusha Burchard Balch
Death date: Apr 8, 1919
Place of death: Richmond, MA
Birth date: Feb 6, 1839
Place of birth: Plattsburg, NY
Type of practice: Allopath
Practice specialities: GS General Surgery
Places and dates of practices: Yonkers, NY, 1860, Richmond, MA, Dec 18, 1917
Medical school(s): Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1860, (G)
Other education: Public school, Pittsburgh Acad
Journal of the American Medical Association Citation: 72:1242


History of New York City Hospital



 John Warren, treasurer  1844  


1858 New York  Affiliated Hospitals


Geneva Medical College, N.Y., 1843-44

Student: J. F. McNaughton


James Webster, M. D.


In 1849 Geneva Medical College conferred the degree of M. D. on Elizabeth Blackwell and became honorably famous as the first medical college in the world to confer this degree in course on a woman. Among the members of the faculty of the Geneva Medical College who made it memorable and added to the brilliancy of Geneva society were: Edward Cutbush, Thomas Spencer. Charles Brodhead Coventry, Willard Parker. James Webster, James Hadley, Frank Hastings Hamilton, Thomas Rush Spencer, Charles Alfred Lee, John Towler, Frederick Hyde. Hiram Newton Eastman, Nelson Nivison, Charles Everts Rider.


New York Hospital, 1844

Medical Student: John McNaughton



Albany Medical College, 1840 - 41

Medical Student: Leon G. Vanadort (sp?)



J. H. Armsby, M.D.        Amos Dean, prof.


See the Albany Medical College Catalogues, 1850 & 1852, showing faculty and graduate lists


Albany Medical College 1862-63

Medical Student: John D. Young*

(In the Roster, Ass't surgeon John Young shows up as 'dismissed', no other information found.)


Name: John D. Young
Death date: Jan 7, 1902
Place of death: Starkville, NY
Type of practice: Allopath
Journal of the American Medical Association Citation: 38:192



John V. P. Quackenbush, M.D.              Howard Townsend, M.D.

John V. P. Quackenbush, M.D. was New York Surgeon-General from '63 to '65, under Gov. Seymour, and carried out its arduous duties almost to the end of the war.

Medical College of Ohio, 1839; 1861- 62

Medical student: Chas. M. Godfrey  (1839)

Ottawa, Ohio


John T. Shotwell, M.D.,    Matriculation 1839


Medical Student: John C. Miller (1861-62)

Graduated Medical College of Ohio, 1864, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1865



George Blackman, M.D. 

Transylvania University, Kentucky, 1841 - 42

Medical Student: H. D. Henderson of Indiana *



Robert Peter, M.D.                                 James Crop, M. D.



William Richardson, M.D.    Thomas Mitchell, M.D.   


Medical College of the State of South Carolina, 1853 - 54

Medical Student: J. B. Farmier (sp?)



J. Edwards Holbrook, M.D.            Henry R. Frost, M.D.       


During the civil war Dr. Holbrook was head of the examining board of surgeons of South Carolina for the CSA.


Henry Frost, M.D. was an Assistant Surgeon - 1st Reg't. Artillery for the CSA


Medical Department of the Western Reserve College, Hudson, Ohio

Cleveland Medical College - Western Reserve College, 1849 - 50

Medical Student: Levi Day

Grandville, Michigan

(Day doesn't show up in the AMA data or the Roster)



Jared P. Kirtland, M.D.       Horace A. Ackley, M.D.


J. Lang Cassels, M. D.


Jacob J. Delamater, M.D.


University of New York, Department of Medicine, 1858, 1861, 1862

Medical Student: James H. Anderson*


During the Civil War, James H. Anderson served as an assistant surgeon, in the U.S. Army,  Surgeon to the Home for the aged and indigent blind since 1870: as sited in the Catalogue of the Graduates and Officers of the Medical Department of the University of the City of New York, 1872.


Name: James Henry Anderson
Death date: Dec 10, 1923
Place of death: Brookline, NY
Birth date: 1839
Type of practice: Allopath
Places and dates of practices: Brookline, MA, 1860
Medical school(s): New York University Medical College, New York: Univ. of City of New York Med. Dept., 1860, 


      Alfred Post, M.D.     Draper, M.D      Gunning Bedford, M.D



University of Vermont, 1864

University of Vermont State Agricultural College, Medical Dept., 1884

Medical Students: M. G Taylor;  B. F. Billings



J. Henry Jackson, M. D.      David S. Conant, M. D.


With the beginning of the Civil War David S. Conant, M. D. volunteered as a surgeon, and on the field did an incredible amount of surgery, often under embarrassing conditions and with a high percentage of recoveries. 
After the battle of Antietam Conant volunteered his services, and owing to his great exertions contracted an intestinal disease which never entirely left him.


Lecture Ticket and Medical College Index  


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Lecture Card Collection..:


1a | 1b | 2 | 34 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |


 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20


Civil War medical authors and faculty

in this collection with their biographies


Please go here for a list of early medical colleges and when they were in existence during or prior to the Civil War.  Since medical colleges merged or went in and out of existence, all colleges or departments of medicine may not be listed.   "Medical Education Before the Civil War", by Wm. F. Norwood.




Indexes: General Medical Antiques  |  Civil War Surgical Antiques


Alphabetical Index for Civil War Surgical Antiques

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