Medical College Lecture Tickets: 1861-62 / 1862-63 / 1865-66

University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine


Medical Student, Civil War Surgeon: Samuel Budd Page Knox, M.D.


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University of Pennsylvania, Medical Department 

ExamplesExamples | Examples  | Examples

| Catalogue 1873-74 | Catalogue 1849-50  |  Catalogue 1850-51

During the Civil war, the student who signed his name Mr. S. B. P. Knox, from Brownsville, Penn., entered the University of Pennsylvania in 1861-1862 / 1862-1863 and went on to become a full surgeon in the Pennsylvania 49th Infantry (Regimental Volunteers) from April, 1864, to July 15th, 1865 during the Civil War. 


After the War, Dr. Knox, for some reason, re-entered the Univ. of Pennsylvania, again as a medical student, in Oct. 17, 1865 and was later welcomed into the AMA.  The AMA records and the Roster of Surgeons, show his residence as Santa Barbara, California.  Source: AMA database of deceased physicians:


Name: Samuel Budd Page Knox
Cause of death: heart disease
Death date: Jun 30, 1922
Place of death: Santa Barbara, CA
Birth date: Feb 11, 1839
Place of birth: Brownsville, PA
Type of practice: Allopath
States and years of license: CA, 1876

Places and dates of practice: Santa Barbara, CA, Nov 10, 1913
Medical school: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, 1866
Other education: Public schools, Allegheny Coll., PA
Journal of the American Medical Association Citation: 79:232


Reference about Dr. Knox in the Med. & Surg. History of the War of the Revolution


Dr. Knox listed as 'surgeon' in the Roster of U. S. Army Surgeons


Dr. Knox's biography in Physicians and Surgeons of America

University of Pennsylvania, Medical Department 1861-1862 / 1862-1863

Click on any image to enlarge

Lecture schedule, staff list, text book list

Front and back of same card


Enlarged staff list and required textbook list (from above card)


Instructor signatures on back of 1861-62 matriculation card

Front and back of same card

Carson, Liedy, Jackson, Hodge, Rogers, Pepper


Instructor signatures on back of 1862-63 matriculation card

Front and back of same card

Jackson, Hodge, Liedy, Rogers, Pepper, Carson


R. E. Rogers, M.D.

Philadelphia Hospital Matriculation cards 1861 and 1862


Henry H. Smith, M.D.      Joseph Leidy, M.D.      Henry H. Smith, M.D.


During the Civil War,  Henry H. Smith, M.D. served under another former Pennsylvania student, General George McClellan. Smith was charged with setting up and organizing Union Army hospitals and was also named Surgeon General of Pennsylvania, a position he held in 1861 and 1862.


Joseph Leidy, M.D.     William Pepper, M.D.      A. F. Penrose, M.D.     Joseph Carson, M.D.


During the Civil War, A. F. Penrose, M.D. took up the post of Acting Assistant Surgeon in the Union Army as a doctor at the Satterlee Army Hospital in Philadelphia between 1862 and 1864.


 Samuel Jackson, M.D.



Henry H. Smith, M.D.

Front and Back of same card


Henry H. Smith, M.D. originated the plan of removing the wounded from the battle-field to large hospitals in Reading, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and other cities, and established the custom of embalming the dead on the battle-ground. He organized and directed a corps of surgeons, with steamers as floating hospitals, at the siege of Yorktown, and served the wounded after the battles of Williamsburg, West Point, Fair Oaks, and Cold Harbor. After thoroughly organizing the department of which he was in charge, he resigned his commission in 1862


R. E. Rogers, M.D.     Joseph Leidy, M.D.     R. E. Rogers, M.D.




Samuel Jackson, M.D.     Joseph Carson, M.D.

After serving as a full surgeon during the Civil War,

Dr. Knox re-entered Univ. of Penn Oct. 1865-66

What's very interesting is Dr. Knox returned to the Univ. of Penn. medical college after having served as a full surgeon during the Civil War and repeated some of his courses before moving to Santa Barbara, California to practice until 1913

Matriculation card for 1865 with staff signatures

Front and back of same card


Frances G. Smith, Jr., M.D.


    Joseph Leidy, M.D.        Alfred Stille, M.D.     Joseph Carson, M.D.


  Henry H. Smith, M.D.     R. E. Rogers, M.D.    

Post-Civil War AMA and other invitations to Dr. Knox


Front and Back of same card


American Medical Association


Front and Back of same card


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Civil War medical authors and faculty

in this collection with their biographies


Please go here for a list of early medical colleges and when they were in existence during or prior to the Civil War.  Since medical colleges merged or went in and out of existence, all colleges or departments of medicine may not be listed.   "Medical Education Before the Civil War", by Wm. F. Norwood.