Anesthetics in Use During the Civil War
Use of
Sulphuric Ether and Chloroform
Edited from the medical textbook
Handbook of Surgical Operations,
U. S. A. Medical Department, 1863, (in this collection)
written during the Civil War by
Stephen Smith, M.D.:
anesthetics in general use are sulphuric ether and
Ether.- — This agent is liable to adulteration, by
sulphurous acid, alcohol, volatile oils, and by
oxidation; it may be rendered purer by agitation with
lime water, and afterwards separating it by decanting.
Method of
Administration.—The following practical remarks on the
administration of ether were made by a Committee
appointed by the Boston Society for Medical Improvement
to investigate the alleged dangers from inhalation of
ether :
Ether should
never be given from any inhaling apparatus. The best
medium of its administration is a bell-shaped sponge,
large enough to cover in the nose, mouth, and chin; but
it is difficult to find one of sufficient size and close
enough in texture, or without such numerous apertures at
the root as to admit too freely the atmospheric air. A
sponge of this sort, moreover, being as expensive as
rare, is seldom used outside of hospitals. A stiff
towel, properly folded, may be substituted, and has the
advantage of being always at hand; as it may be left
behind, the surgeon does not carry away with him the
annoying odor of an impregnated sponge. It is desirable
that the towel should be a new one, and of pretty good
size. It is to be taken just as it comes from the
laundry, and not unfolded further than to display it in
the dimensions of about ten inches by five; by folding
down two of the corners in such a way that they shall
lap over each other a little, and securing them by stout
pins, a cone will be made which fits the face admirably.
The thick layers of towelling will hold sufficient
ether, and its texture will prevent a too free dilution
of the anesthetic by the atmospheric air, provided the
apex and seam of the cone are carefully and tightly
closed, either by pins or the fingers. As the cone
becomes collapsed by saturation, it should from time to
tune be opened, and kept in shape by distending it with
the hand. Unless these details are attended to, and
especially the closure of the apex of the cone, the
induction of anaesthesia will be uncertain and
In anything
so porous as a towel or sponge, the difficulty is to
exclude enough air; for while its adequate admission to
the lungs during etherization is essential to the life
of the patient, its too free entrance not only delays
anaesthesia, but induces a condition of excitement, both
mental and physical. The importance of excluding the
air, as above stated, is a point not generally
appreciated, but the necessity of it has long been known
to those most accustomed to the use of ether, as shown
by the " chemise" with which, in hospital practice, a
too porous sponge is often covered to expedite the
etherization of a rebellious patient. Ether should be
poured lavishly on the towel or sponge, an ounce or two
at a time, especially at the commencement of inhalation.
Although it may be wasted, too much, as far as safety is
concerned, cannot be used. A small quantity poured on
hesitatingly and timidly, as is sometimes done, has the
same effect as a too free dilution of the vapor with
air, producing simply intoxication and its accompanying
excitement without anaesthesia; whereas a large amount,
though the cough and choking sensation which the greater
volume of vapor produces may cause the patient to resist
and struggle, is certain to bring about a satisfactory
condition of insensibility.
Phenomena of
Etherization.—A strong, full-blooded man is pretty sure
to resist the approaches of anesthesia under any
circumstances. This may sometimes be overcome by warning
him beforehand of such a possibility, and inducing him
to resolve not to struggle; the last impression on his
mind influences him even in his stupor. The same thing
is liable also to happen with almost all patients just
before complete anesthesia takes place, but the ether
rarely requires to be suspended. Occasionally the
respiration becomes embarrassed during the period of
excitement, partly from the struggle itself, and partly
perhaps from the increased flow of saliva, which is a
common phenomenon of etherization, or from the position
of the tongue or head of the patient, and a condition
may sometimes show itself characterized by lividity,
rigidity, and convulsive motions of the extremities.
Although alarming to the inexperienced, the state is in
fact devoid of danger, provided the ether be momentarily
suspended; this being done, the refusal to breathe soon
gives place to a long-drawn inspiration, and in most
instances complete insensibility immediately ensues. In
such a case it is interesting to observe how readily the
spasm yields, and how complete is the muscular
relaxation which follows the free respiration of air
unmixed with ether.
should therefore be borne in mind, that when there
is muscular rigidity with lividity, the suspension
of etherization will transform this into the
relaxation of anesthesia. Persons of intemperate
habits succumb to ether slowly, and with greater
reluctance and more opposition than persons unused
to intoxication. The pulse should be watched by a
competent person from the outset, and its failure,
either in strength or frequency, lead to more
cautious use of the ether. It must, however, be
remembered, that in experiments with anesthetics
upon animals, the heart has been found to be the
ulttmum moriens; the respiratory movements,
therefore, should not be forgotten or neglected, but
any slowness or irregularity in the performance
should at once receive attention. Ether is not to be
withheld from a patient to be operated on, even in a
state of collapse after severe accident, but great
caution is demanded in its use with patients who are
near death from chronic and exhausting disease, and
who require operations.
best test of complete etherization is the snoring of
the patient; and no operation, unless slight, should
be undertaken until this symptom presents itself.
The relaxation of the muscles of the extremities may
occur without insensibility. The important
distinction between snoring and stertor is, however,
to be borne in mind. Whilst the former is caused
only by the relaxation of the muscles of the palate,
the latter arises from spasm of the vocal cords and
partial closure of the rima glottidis, and thus
becomes the immediate forerunner of the train of
symptoms already referred to as indicative of
partial asphyxia. Stertorous respiration demands,
therefore, a brief suspension of inhalation; one or
two inspirations of fresh air will, as already
mentioned, almost instantly dispel the symptom.
Ether may be administered to persons of all ages,
from the new-born infant to the octogenarian. There
is, however, a condition prone to manifest itself
with children, especially those who, are weak,
strumous, or overgrown, which is due to its
cumulative properties. It may show itself after
almost any degree of etherization, and is
characterized by a feeble pulse and slow
respiration, not passing off with the readiness
usually marking the phenomena of etherization. "With
young persons a cautious inhalation of five minutes
will often induce an anesthesia of half an hour, an
effect wholly out of proportion to what the same
amount of ether would produce in an adult. This
state is not a dangerous one, and only requires time
to dissipate its symptoms. Compression of the chest
will expel the fumes of ether being eliminated from
the pulmonary surface, and permit the entrance of a
fresh supply of oxygen to stimulate the circulation.
The inhalation should therefore be suspended at
short intervals with children, and but little ether
given at a time."
Chloroform: Chloroform may be adulterated with
alcohol, oils, and ether. Alcohol can be added
without being detected by the smell, but may be
detected by dropping the chloroform into water, when
it assumes a milky appearance. Oils are detected by
strong sulphuric acid, which gives a yellowish or
reddish brown color; the presence of ether is
detected by its readily burning when exposed to a
flame. Pure chloroform may be thus tested:—-When
dropped on the hand it evaporates without leaving
the least smell or moisture behind; it is free from
color or opacity; it does not redden or bleach
litmus paper; it does not become opaque when dropped
into water; it does not coagulate the white of egg.
Administration: In the administration of chloroform
great care must be exercised. The following
judicious rules by
Prof. Gross (System of Surgery) cannot be too
carefully followed:
" 1st.
During etherization the patient may sit up with
impunity, but this is not the case during the
inhalation of chloroform, owing, apparently, to the
greater relaxation of the muscles, and consequently,
to the greater difficulty in maintaining the
circulation of the brain through the influence of
the heart's action. Not only should the body be
recumbent, but care should be taken to depress the
head and shoulders, bringing them nearly to a level
with the trunk.
" 2d. An
empty state of the stomach is desirable for two
reasons; first, because if chloroform be given soon
after a hearty meal it will be almost certain to
induce vomiting; and, secondly, because a crowded
condition of the organ interferes materially with
the movements of the diaphragm. Food must not be
taken for at least four hours before the exhibition;
but, on the other hand, the interval should not be
too protracted, lest serious exhaustion result from
»he want of the necessary stimulus.
" 3rd.
Care must be taken, before the inhalation is
commenced, that the patient's clothes are
sufficiently loose to prevent constriction of the
chest and abdomen. Any compression from this source
would necessarily impede the action of the
diaphragm, and might thus become a cause of
The importance of having an abundance of atmospheric
ah- during the inhalation of an article so potent as
chloroform, is self-evident; in etherization this is
of comparatively little consequence, but in the
exhibition of chloroform for surgical and
obstetrical purposes, it is absolutely indispensable
to the safety of the patient.
" 5th.
The inhalation must be effected gradually, not
hurriedly, time being allowed to the system to
accommodate itself to the influence of the remedy,
thus avoiding the shock which might otherwise result
to the heart and brain. From six to eight minutes
should usually be spent in producing the full
effects of the anaesthetic.
When the
patient is very feeble, or pale and.timid, it will
be advisable to give him, immediately before the
operation, from half an ounce to an ounce of brandy;
and the dose may afterwards be repeated, if the
effect is obliged to be maintained for an unusual
length of time, sufficient consciousness being
permitted for the performance of deglutition. The
best mode of administration of chloroform is to pour
the fluid upon a napkin or handkerchief previously
folded into a kind of cup-shaped hollow, and held
securely in the hand. Or, instead of this, a small,
hollow sponge may be used. As to the various
inhalers that have been devised for the purpose,
they are all objectionable on account of their
inconvenience and the difficulty of obtaining a
sufficiency of atmospheric air. The patient having
taken his place upon the table, and emptied his
lungs by a deep and protracted expiration, the
napkin, impregnated with a drachm of chloroform, is
held over the mouth and nose, at a distance of about
two inches, being gradually brought nearer and
nearer until it is within half an inch, beyond which
it should not be carried, the chest being at the
same time regularly and powerfully distended. On no
account should the liquid be permitted to come in
contact with the surface, as it might thus cause
unnecessary conversation is avoided, lest the
attention of the patient should thereby be unduly
distracted. The assistant having charge of the
administration gives it his earnest and undivided
care; wetting the napkin from time to time with the
fluid, and seeing that the patient gets an abundance
of air, his vigilance increasing as the effects of
the medicine become more and more apparent. As soon
as the sensibility is completely abolished, the
operation is commenced, a return to consciousness
being prevented by holding the napkin, wet with a
small quantity of the vapor, occasionally before the
nose; and thus the impression is maintained,
steadily and cautiously, not only until the knife
has fully accomplished its object, but until the
principal arteries have been secured, and, in some
cases, even until tht dressings have been applied.
As soon
as the inhalation has been fairly entered upon, one
of the attendants should sedulously watch the state
of the pulse, of the respiration, and of the
countenance. Any sudden failure in any one of these
should at once create alarm, and induce a suspension
of the operation, or provision for the admission of
a greater quantity of atmospheric air. I do not deem
it necessary that a finger should be constantly kept
upon the pulse; for the color of the face and the
nature of the breathing will always sufficiently
indicate the effects which the anesthetic is
exerting upon the system, and thus afford abundant
opportunity for preventing any unpleasant
quantity of chloroform required during an operation,
and the time during which its effects may be safely
maintained, must, of course, vary according to the
exigencies of each particular case. In general, from
half an ounce to an ounce may be regarded as a fair
average^ but very frequently it takes three or even
five times that amount, depending upon the severity
and duration of the operation, and the
susceptibility of the individual. In some instances
almost an incredibly small portion answers the
purpose. Children usually require comparatively
little; and it is well known that women are, as a
general rule, more susceptible to its influence than
men. Persons exhausted by hemorrhage are very easily
affected by it, owing to the rapidity of its
absorption, and hence it should always be
administered to them with unusual care."
Simpson has advised that chloroform be given by
laying a handkerchief over the face, and letting the
chloroform fall on it drop by drop.
Resuscitation: The towel or inhaler being removed,
the patient's tongue should be drawn forward with
forceps or a tenaculum, fresh air admitted from the
door or windows, or induced by a fan, and artificial
respiration instituted. Stimulating applications to
the surface, cold douche to the head, and
stimulating injections may be added. The main
reliance is on artificial respiration, and this is
best kept up by Marshall Hall's method as follows: "
Turn the body gently, and completely, on the side
and a little beyond, and then on the face,
alternately; repeating these measures deliberately,
efficiently, and perseveringly, fifteen times in a
minute, only [when the patient reposes on the
thorax, this cavity is compressed by the weight of
the body, and respiration takes place; when he is
turned on the side, this pressure is removed and
inspiration occurs]. When the prone position is
resumed, make equable but efficient pressure along
the spine ; removing it immediately before rotation
on the side [the first measure augments the
expiration, the second commences inspiration]." As
soon as the patient can swallow, give brandy and
ammonia. Efforts at resuscitation should not cease
until death is evident.
A method
of producing artificial respiration has been
introduced by Dr. Sylvester; it consists in laying
the patient on his back, drawing the tongue forward,
then carrying the arms slowly upwards over the head,
thus elevating the ribs by means of the pectoral
muscles, and inducing respiration; the arms are then
brought down to the side of the chest and slightly
compressed against it; these movements are to be
repeated slowly as by the other method.
If a
galvanic battery is at hand it should be resorted to
among other possible means of restoring animation.
Esmarch ether - chloroform dripping bottle and kit
Article on
anesthesia during the Civil War
Article on
ligation of an artery during the Civil War
Article on
suturing during the Civil War
on chloroform during the Civil War
Article on how an amputation was done during the
Civil War
Additional information on the Chisolm ether and
chloroform inhaler