Civil War Era Civilian Surgical and Medical Texts

Authors: Quain, Joseph Leidy, Gross, Maclise, Wilson, Bennett

Page Nine-A

The following medical and surgical texts were used immediately before or during the Civil War.  They are a window into a medical education as it was presented to the students and surgeons who served in the War.  There were a multitude of medical colleges in the late 1850's and 60's, as well as publishers who sold text books from American, English and French authors.  In all cases these books, year and edition were listed in the Surgeon General's Office catalogue of 1864.

Human Anatomy by Jones Quain, M. D., First American Edition, Edited by Joseph Leidy, M. D. (1849, in two volumes)

A copy of this text book is listed in the 1864 Surgeon General's Office Library Catalogues or the list of medical textbooks which were published during the Civil War by the Army Medical Department.

More information about Dr. Leidy

JONES QUAIN, MD; HUMAN ANATOMY;  Revised with Notes and Additions by Joseph Leidy, MD, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania.  Complete in two large octavo volumes leather of about thirteen hundred pages.  Beautifully illustrated with over five hundred engravings on wood. $6.00, 1861

Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia, 1849. Hard Cover. First American Edition, from the Fifth London Edition; thoroughly illustrated. The first systemic treatise of Anatomy in the English language, containing the history of the ossification and development of the individual bones of the skeleton.

Elementary Treatise on Human Anatomy, (1861, 1st edition) by Joseph Leidy, M.D.

Leidy was conceded to be the highest authority on the subject of human anatomy in this country, drew the 392 illustrations himself. During the Civil War, he served as acting asst. surgeon, 1862-1865, and did about 60 autopsies.

J.B Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1861. Full-Leather. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall; 664 pages

More information about Dr. Leidy

Univ. of Pennsylvania  lecture cards signed by Joseph Leidy, M.D. 1868-69; 1862



Owner signature: 1862, John M. Dickson, M.D. classmate of William Alexander Hammond, M.D., Surgeon General U.S. Army during the Civil War.

John M. Dickson, Asst. Surgeon, 93rd Pennsylvania,  Care A. G., U.S.A. to Oct. 1864; also 213th Infantry.  Dr. Dickson and the 93rd were a Gettysburg  Regiment, with the 6th Corps.

John M. Dickson, 213th Infantry, Surgeon Care Adjutant General From March 1863.

Name: John Dickson
Death date: Dec 30, 1929
Type of practice: Allopath
States and years of licenses: PA, 1881
Medical school(s): New York University Medical College, New York: Univ. of City of New York Med. Dept., 1848





A Manual of General Anatomy of the Human Body,  by S. D. Gross, M.D.  (From the French of Bayle and Hollard), Published by John Grigg, Philadelphia, (1828, first edition)


This is the first book published by S. D. Gross, M. D. in 1828, the same year he graduated from Jefferson Medical College!  

See additional information on Gross.


MANUAL OF GENERAL ANATOMY containing a concise description of the Elementary Tissues of the Human Body From the French of A. L. Bayle and H. Hollard By SD Gross M D.  This volume bus been highly approved by many of the principal medical men and has been recommended by several anatomical teachers.  We recommend this little volume to the anatomical student as it contains an excellent account of the primitive tissues and will greatly facilitate a knowledge of what has been too much neglected in this country's general anatomy. Medical Gazette


Lecture card for Samuel D. Gross, M.D. while at Jefferson Medical College in 1869


Signed by John Fleming, 1840

Maclise's Surgical Anatomy with Descriptions, 1857, Edited by R. U. Piper, M.D.



From the English Edition with an additional plate by Bougery, printed in oil colors, published in Boston by John P. Jewett and Company.

Publisher's description 1865

Boston: John P. Jewett and Co., 1857., 1857. Hardcover. 1st Edition. 4to. Unpaginated. 36 plates printed in oil colors, after Baxter's process with multi-page descriptive texts.


Owner information:

John Myrick Crocker, M. D.
Cause of death: heart disease; (M)
Death date: Oct 6, 1917
Place of death: Cambridge, England
Birth date: 1845
Type of practice: Allopath
Medical school: Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1863-66, (G)

Owner signature

'J. M. Crocker'

Presented by his brother, Wm. N. Young, 1863

Additional information on Bostonian John Myrick Crocker, M. D.




Diseases of the Skin,  by Erasmus Wilson, F.R.S., (fourth edition 1857)

On Diseases of the Skin By Erasmus Wilson FRS Fourth American from the Fourth and Enlarged London Edition Blanchard & Lea, Philadelphia 1857 pp 649 .  The American publishers have issued this new and greatly improved edition of Wilson's well known treatise in a style worthy of the work.  The plates are published in a separate form and have been rendered more complete by the addition of those formerly appended to the author's treatise on Syphilis and Syphilitic Eruptions.  Their excellence is universally acknowledged and we need not add that their study is indispensable in order to thoroughly understand the text. 

The additions and improvement made in the text may be learned from the Preface of the author In preparing a Fourth Edition of the DISEASES or THE SKIN. "I have endeavored to make the work as complete as possible and have contributed largely my own investigations into the pathology and my personal experience in the treatment of these diseases I have arranged a new system of classification founded on the only true practical basis the cause of the disease and have added several new chapters namely the chapter on Classification the chapter on the General Pathology of these diseases on the Furuncular Eruptions and on the diseases of the Nails and Nail follicles To the chapter on diseases arising from Special External Causes I have added Mails Ambustio and Gelatio to the chapter on diseases arising from Special Internal Causes Scrofuloderma and Elephantiasis and to the chapter on the diseases of the Sebiparous Glands a short article on the Malignant Tubercle of the Skin I have moreover given the Syphilodermal or Syphilitic Eruptions a more important position and endeavored to arrange them according to their forms and the period of the poison in a table of classification.  Finally I have appended to the volume a collection of SELECTED FORMULAE for the most part consisting of prescriptions which I have found of value in the treatment of diseases of the skin and to which frequent reference Is made in the pages of the book The present contains one hundred and sixty six pages more than the third edition It is printed on good type and on clear white paper and as might be expected from the abilities of the author and his long devotion to the study of the subject it presents the most complete summary of our knowledge of this common but neglected class of diseases

Owner signature H. Dayton M??, Conn. dated 1862

Plates Illustrative of Wilson on Diseases of the Skin, by E. Wilson (fourth edition 1857)

Publisher's description by Blanchard & Lea


Clinical Lectures on Principles of Medicine, by John H. Bennett, M.D., (third edition 1859)

A copy of this text book is listed in the 1864 Surgeon General's Office Library Catalogues

Clinical Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Medicine By John Hughes Bennett MD FRSE Professor,  Third edition New York S. S. & W. Wood, 1859

A new edition of this valuable work has been on our table for some time its notice delayed from month to month in the expectation that a friend especially fitted for the task would prepare a careful analytical review of the book The lengthy communication of Dr Hibberd last month and the communication of Prof Lawson in the present issue indirectly places before the profession very sufficient criticisms of the peculiar views taught by the Edinburgh Professor in his work We therefore feel that little more is now necessary than to present a brief bibliographical notice of this a new edition We can not however resist the desire to express in this connection our conviction that aside from any peculiar teachings of the author he has presented one of the most attractive aNd really useful books on clinical medicine of the day Take for instance the first section of the work the Examination of the Patient how systematic is the arrangement and how gradually and progressively the reader is conducted through the various steps Inspection Palpation Percussion Auscultation The Use of the Microscope Chemical Tests and then as you progress in this nicely arranged study how beautifully the illustrations demonstrate the teachings of the context The work meets with a rapid saje and has already commanded a large share of the attention of the profession Prof Bennett is an earnest arduous worker in the profession and with his long clinical experience his opinions are certainly worthy of confidence and respect He is amongst the men who have been real contributors to medical science during the past quarter of a century We commend this work to our readers they will find in it very much that is suggestive very much that is positively practical and directly available A large (1005 pages) volume of lectures on general and specialty medicine as practiced in 1859.  Extensive use of drawings of microscopic slides and tissue samples among the 502 illustrations.  Published in New York by Samuel S. and William Wood.

Additional information on John Bennett and his contributions to medicine

Continue to: Page 10

 Medical Book Collection

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Pages:  1 | 1a | 2 | 2a | 3 | 3a | 4 | 4a | 5 | 5a | 6


| 7 | 8 | 9 | 9a | 10 | 11 | 12

See information on Medical education and lecture cards

during and before the Civil War

Wanted: Medical textbooks marked for the U.S.A. Medical or Hospital Dept. 



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