Index of Civil War Medical Books in this
Organized by Website Page Number
by page or
Index sorted by author
Index sorted
by title
This Civil War medical book collection
is based on the actual medical books listed as being in the Surgeon
General's Office Library 1840, 1864 & 1865 Catalogues
which reflect the level of expertise of Civil War medicine.
The books in the collection represent the publications as shown in the SGO
printed catalogues or those
selected by the U. S. Army Medical Department for distribution to the Union
Surgeons. It is a working collection of the medical textbooks used by the
surgeons who were educated before and during the Civil War. If the Surgeon General and
his staff thought the book was important and valid, that is part of the
attraction to using the library catalogues for the basis of the collection.
Not all books available were selected by the military and there must have been a good reason for
selection or exclusion of various authors.
List last updated:
Medical Book Collection:
Medical Book Collection:
Click on the corresponding
Page number to view
the actual
medical or surgical text-book in this collection
Page 1
Civil War Medical and Hospital Department books
Hand-book of surgical operations, by
Stephen Smith, M.D., (1863)
Gray's Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical,
by Gray, U. S. Army Hospital Department, (1862)
Hospital Steward's Manual, by
Joseph Janvier Woodward, M.D., Asst. Surgeon U.S.A., (1862)
Regulations for the Medical
Department of the Army, War Department,
Adj. General's Office, (1861)
Revised Regulations for the Army, (1861)
The Army Surgeon's Manual, by
Wm. Grace,
Roster of Civil War
Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons, by J.W. Wells
and N.A. Strait, (1883)
Page 1-A
Civil War
Medical and Hospital Department books
Practical Treatise on Military
Surgery, by Frank H. Hamilton, M.D., (1861)
Frank Hastings Hamilton, M.D., (1860)
Frank Hastings Hamilton, M.D., (1863)
A Manual of Military
Surgery, by Samuel D. Gross, M.D., (1861)
Jurisprudence, by Beck, Theodric R.; Beck,
John B., marked U. S. Army Medical Dept., (1860)
Page 2 Civil War Medical and Hospital Department books
Handbook for the Military Surgeon,
by Tripler and Blackman, M.D., (1862)
of Minor Surgery, by John H. Packard, M.D., (1863)
Anatomy of the arteries of the human body,
by John H. Power, M.D., (1862)
U.S. Army
Med. Dept.
Anatomy of the arteries of the human body,
by John H. Power, M.D., (1862)
U.S. Army
Med. Dept.
Page 2-A Civil War
Medical and Hospital Department books
Thomson's Conspectus, (1862)
by Anthony T. Thomson, U. S. A. Hosp.
United States
Sanitary Commission, compiled from documents and
private papers, (1863)
Medical Diagnosis, by J. Da
Costa, M.D., U. S. Army Medical Dept., (1864)
Ophthalmoscope, by Adolf Zander,
S. Army Hosp. Dept., (1864)
A Treatise on Gunshot Wounds, by
Thomas Longmore, M.D.,
(1863) U. S. Army
Med. Dept.
Page 3
Civil War Medical and Hospital Department books
Surgery of the War in
the Crimea, Treatment of gunshot wounds, by George Macleod, M.D.,
Notes on surgery of the War in
the Crimea, by George Macleod, M.D.,
, U.S. Army Med. Dept., (1862 )
Gunshot Fractures, by Stromeyer,
M.D., Surgeon General's Office (SGO) Library
marked, (1860)
Gunshot Fractures, by
Stromeyer, M.D., Resection in
Gunshot Injuries, by Friedrich Esmarch,
M.D., (1862)
Theraputics and Materia Medica, by
Alfred Stille, M.D. two vol. set,
U. S. Army Hosp.
Theraputics and Materia Medica, by
Alfred Stille, M.D.
vol. one of two, U. S. Army Hosp.
Elements of General Pathology,
Alfred Stille, M.D., (1848)
Gutherie's Commentaries on the Surgery of War, by
G. J. Guthrie, M.D.
U.S. Army
Medical Dept., (1862)
Page 3-A
Civil War Medical and Hospital Department books
Treatise on Hygiene, by
Wm. A. Hammond, M.D., Surgeon General
US A, U. S. Army Medical Dept.,(1863)
Lectures on Venereal Disease, by
Wm. A. Hammond, M.D., Surgeon General
US Army, (1864)
Cellular Pathology, by
Rudolf Virchow, M.D. marked "U.S. Army Medical Dept.", (1862)
A Manual Of Instructions For Enlisting And
Discharging Soldiers, by
Roberts Bartholow,
M.D., U. S. Army Medical Dept., (1864)
Outlines of Chief Camp Diseases of
United States Army, by Joseph Janvier
Woodward, M.D., U. S. Army Hosp. Dept. (1863)
Mental Hygiene, by I.
Ray, M.D., (1863)
Page 4
Civil War surgery and medical books
The Science and Art of Surgery, by
John Erichsen, M.D., (1859)
The Science and Art of Surgery, by
John Erichsen, M.D., (1860),
U. S. Army Hosp. Dept.
Gross's System of Surgery, Vol. 1 &
2 by Samuel Gross, M.D., (1859 1st ed.,
1864 3rd ed., & 1866 4th ed.)
Minor Surgery, Bandaging
and Operations of Minor Surgery, by F. W. Sargent, M.D., (1848 first edition)
Minor Surgery, Bandaging
and Operations of Minor Surgery, by F. W. Sargent, M.D., (1862
2nd edition)
A Dictionary of Terms Used in
Medicine, by Richard D. Hoblyn, (1865, revised)
Page 4-A
Civil War surgery and medical books
Principles and Practice of
Modern Surgery, by Robert Druitt, (1860, new and revised American edition)
Druitt's Modern Surgery, by
Robert Druitt, M.D., (1853, 1st.
edition, by Sargent)
Lectures on Operations
of Surgery and Diseases and Accidents Requiring Surgery, by
Robert Liston, F.R.S &
Thomas D. Mutter, M.D. (Jefferson Medical College, Phila.), (1846)
Practical Treatise on Diseases of the
Skin, by J. Moore Neligan, M.D., (1860,
third edition)
Dictionary of Medical Science, by
Dunglison, M.D., (1860, revised and enlarged)
Notebook on Medical Principles,
by Henry Hartshorne,
M.D., (1860)
Page 5
Civil War era medical books
Pathology and Treatment of Venereal
Diseases, by Freeman J. Bumstead, M.D., (1861, first edition)
Pathology and Treatment of Venereal Diseases,
by Freeman J. Bumstead, M.D., (1864,
revised edition)
Lecture on the Principles and Practice
of Surgery, by Bransby B. Cooper, F. R.
S., (1852, first edition)
An Atlas of Human Anatomy, by
Henry H. Smith, M.D., (1859)
A System of Operative Surgery, by
Henry H. Smith, M.D., (1852, first
Principles of Human
Physiology, by William B. Carpenter,
M.D., edited by Francis Smith, M.D., (1862)
Border Lines of Knowledge, Medical Science, by
Oliver Wendell Holmes, M.D, (1862,
first edition)
Page 5-A
Civil War era medical books
Wood's Therapeutics &
Pharmacology, Vol. I & II, by George B. Wood, M.D., (1860, second edition)
Treatise on the Practice
of Medicine, by George B. Wood, M.D., (1858, 5th edition, two volumes)
Treatise on the Practice
of Medicine, by George B. Wood, M.D., (1860),
marked for the U.S.A. Hosp. Dept
A Practical Guide to the
Study of the Diseases of the Eye, by Henry W. Williams, M.D.,
(1862 first edition)
Therapeutics and Materia Medica, by
Robley Dungleson, M.D., L.L.D, in two volumes,
(1857, 6th edition)
A Manual
of Elementary Chemistry Theoretical and Practical, by
George Fownes,
F.R.S., (1861)
Treatise on Human Physiology, by
John Dalton, M.D., (1861)
Page 6
Civil War Confederate surgery books and manuals
A Manual of Military Surgery,
by Samuel Preston Moore, M.D., CSA,
An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for
field and hospital, by Edward Warren, M.D.,
Manual of Military Surgery, by
J. Julian Chisolm, M.D., CSA, (1862)
Human Physiology, by
Worthington Hooker,
M.D., marked CSA Hospital Department, (1859)
Page 7
Civil War Confederate surgery books and manuals
Resources of the Southern Fields
and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural Being also a Medical
Botany of the Confederate States, by
Porcher, Frances Peyre,
M.D., CSA, (1863)
A Manual of Military Surgery,
by Samuel Preston Moore,
M.D., CSA,
Manual of Military Surgery, by
J. Julian Chisolm,
M.D., CSA,
New Remedies: With Formulae for their
Administration, by Robley Dunglison, M.D.,
A Dictionary of Practical Surgery, by
Samuel Cooper, M.D., (1846)
Page 8
Civil War era medical books
Urinary Deposits,
Diagnosis, Pathology, by Golding Bird, M.D.,
Manual of
Physiology, by William Senshouse Kirkes, M.D.,
A Treatise on
Diseases of the Joint, by Richard Barwell, M.D.,
Lectures on the Principles and Practice of
Physic, by Thomas
Watson, M.D., (1858)
A Treatise on Fever, by
Robert D. Lyons, K. C. C. (1861)
Poisons in Relation to
Medical Jurisprudence and Medicine, by
Alfred S. Taylor, M. D., (1859)
Medical Jurisprudence, by
Alfred S. Taylor, M.D., edited by Hartshorne, M.D., (1861)
Treatise on Practice of Medicine, by
Edwin Maxson,
M.D., (1861)
Page 9 Civil War era medical books
Treatise on the blood, Inflammation and Gun-Shot
Wounds, by John Hunter, M.D., (1817)
Diseases of Ear. Their Nature, Diagnosis, &
Treatment, by Joseph Toynbee, M.D.,
Diseases of Ear. Their Nature, Diagnosis, &
Treatment, by Joseph Toynbee, M.D.,
U. S. A. Hosp. Dept., (1860)
A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Eye, by
William Mackenzie, M.D., (1855)
Lectures on the germs and vestiges of disease, by
Horace Dobell, M.D., (1861)
Principles and Practice of Ophthalmic Medicine
and Surgery, by Wharton T. Jones,
M.D., (1856)
History , Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Fevers
of the United States, by Elisha Bartlett,
M.D., (1852)
Exploration and Diagnosis of Diseases affecting
the Respiratory Organs, by Austin Flint,
M.D., (1856)
Page 9-A
Civil War era
medical books
Human Anatomy
by Jones Quain, M. D., First American
Edition, Edited by Joseph Leidy, M. D.
Elementary Treatise on Human Anatomy,
Joseph Leidy, M.D., (1861)
A Manual of General Anatomy of the Human Body, by
S. D. Gross, M.D., (1828, first edition)
Maclise's Surgical Anatomy with
Descriptions, Edited by R. U. Piper, M.D., (1857)
Diseases of
the Skin, by Erasmus
Wilson, F.R.S., (fourth edition1857)
Illustrative of Wilson on Diseases of the Skin, by
E. Wilson,
F.R.S., (fourth edition 1857)
Diseases of Women and Children,
Gunning Bedford, M.D., (1860)
Principles and Practice of Obstetrics,
Gunning Bedford, M.D. (1867, third edition)
of Practical Medicine and Surgery, by J. & W.
Page 10
Civil War era medical books
The Dispensatory of
the United States of America, Wood & Bache,
(1858, 11th ed.)
The Dispensatory of
the United States of America, Wood & Bache,
(1858, 11th ed.) U. S. A.
Medical Dept.
A Practical Treatise on Diseases and Injuries of
Urinary Bladder, Prostate Gland, and Urethra, by
S. D. Gross, M.D.,
(1851, 1st. ed.)
Treatise on Obstetrics:
The Science and Art,
Charles D. Meigs,
M.D. (1856, third edition)
Treatise on Diseases of Children, by
D. Francis Condie, M.D. (1853,
fourth edition)
Diseases of the Liver and Biliary Passages,
William Thomson, M.D.:
Clinical Lectures on
Principles of Medicine, by
John H. Bennett,
Page 11
Civil War: Medical and Surgical History, the War of
the Rebellion, (1870 to 1888), all 6 volumes
Page 12 Civil War medical
colleges, graduates, faculty research material and reference
List and prints of the
Surgeon General's Library
catalogues 1840 to 1865 upon which this collection is based
information on
Medical Education
Lecture Tickets
during and before the Civil War
It's all inter-related
on this site: medical schools sold lecture cards, lecturers who
were authors wrote books used at the medical schools, the
surgeons who attended the medical colleges fought in the Civil
War, surgeons joined the Army, the Army bought surgical sets for
the surgeon's use, and round and round it goes.